Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Gecko vs Lawnmower!

 There may not be too many photos over the next week, Gecko stupidly tried to clear the wet grass clippings from the bar the catcher sits on, while the lawnmower was going!! She is now sporting two fingers on her right hand that have broken bones, fortunately, the fingers are still intact, thanks to leather gloves.
(and no thanks to Gecko's brain. KG)


Panday said...

Damn! I hope you and KG are doing well, otherwise.

I have some more books to send. I think you'll like the stuff I have picked out this time.

Oswald Bastable said...


She is lucky to still have fingers there, even with the gloves.

Every first fine weekend of spring, we used to get a couple of calls for fingers/feet vs lawnmower, chainsaw or axe...

Gecko said...

Thank you panday, KG and I are fine, and we look forward to the books. We've just posted off one to you :)

Gecko said...

It was OUCH ob!! You can imagine the ribbing I got from my work mates....

Oswald Bastable said...

I can!

Anyway- get well soon!

Gecko said...

Thank you ob, :)

MathewK said...

That's terrible Gecko, boy am i glad it wasn't worse. Hope you get better soon.

Gecko said...

Thank you mk, my fingers aren't quite so swollen or sore, should be able to finish mowing the lawns in the next couple of days ;)

Rita Loca said...

So sorry! Thank goodness for the gloves.

Wes Messamore said...

Very glad to hear you're okay. Please take care of yourself! or you're going to have some random American kid worrying about you.

Gecko said...

Thank you jm, and lol w.e, you sure ain't a "random American kid", you're quite a special American friend!