Monday, 26 October 2009


This little hut is on the top of quite a high ridge just up the road from here. The cabbage tree is magnificent.


Oswald Bastable said...

Postcard material!

Gecko said...

Thank you OB :)

MathewK said...

That's not a hut, well at least not an african hut. :)

Karen K said...

What a lovely picture! Does anyone actually live in that hut?

Gecko said...

Thank you Karen. I don't think they do any more, it may have been used as shearers quarters at some stage ( I'm just guessing). We couldn't see the front of it to see if it was being used.
MK, hut was the first word that popped into my brain dead head, lol :)

Anonymous said...

I love a big cabbage tree! We've planted many on our property but they're just little bushy things now. Still pretty, of course, but nothing beats a mature one. They're magical.

Oswald Bastable said...

Those who repair lawnmowers for a living LOVE cabbage trees!

Gecko said...

Lol OB, I've been guilty of clagging the lawn mower up with them, but you can't deny how beautiful the tall, old cabbage trees are?

Gecko said...

M.O.M., Delighted to see there's another cabbage tree lover! Did you get your plants locally?

ZenTiger said...

I think cabbage trees are great. We have one (just one) on a boundary line of our section, and I keep imagining what it would look like with maybe a dozen of them down the line - it would be great.

The one in your photo is huge though compared to ours.

And as usual, great composition Gecko.

Gecko said...

Thank you Zen T :) We'd like to find a supply of them, preferably not too small, to plant a few around here.

Oswald Bastable said...

They are easy to grow from seed, but you might try the nursery down Norfolk road, Masterton- he has the best deals in native plants.

Gecko said...

Thanks for that OB, will check them out tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gecko - You might already have your cabbage trees by now, but we got our seedlings at Akura Conservation Centre in Masteron -

Gecko said...

Thanks M.O.M. I think that's the place that never seems to be open........