Wednesday, 30 December 2009

A Prosperous 2010....

.... to you all, may it be better than the last.


KG said...

A rose for DM. :-)

Diamond Mair said...

Believe it or not, when I was born {tow-head that I was}, my Dad started referring to me as his 'Yellow Rose of Texas' ..................... it was only in the last few years that I learned the legend - but, MY Daddy intended every complimentary word of the song - so I accept it in the manner offered .................. ;-)

Semper Fi'

Gecko said...

Glad of that DM, as I'm sure you still are :)

Karen K said...

Happy New Year, Gecko-- health and happiness!

Gecko said...

Thanks so much Karen, and I wish you the same :)

MathewK said...

Beautiful pic, u gotta send me that Gecko.

Gecko said...

Thank you MK, will do :)