Saturday, 24 July 2010

Boyd's Not Afraid .....

....... of the weather ..... that's ice he's standing on.


KG said...

No brain, no pain......

Karen K said...

Fantastic shot, KG!

I take it Boyd doesn't mind winter weather...

MathewK said...

LOL, so unkind KG.

You could zoom that shot and pass him off as some sort of large and fierce kitty.

KG said...

Nah, not really unkind-he's a cute little guy and gets a lot of attention. It's just that he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer...

Gecko said...

Thanks Karen + MK.
He's large and fierce when it comes to mice and birds, but he's certainly not fazed by the weather at all! Many at time he needs to be towel dried, he comes in looking like he's just been placed in a bath!

Anonymous said...

I love this pic!!

Gecko said...

Thank you MOM :)