Monday, 12 September 2011

It's MY Offal!!

I'm on night shift again, so it's back to photographing the locals .....


KG said...

I think Oswald may shoot crows too..

Medusa said...

Poor you Gecko, M is on midnight to midday shift too, all my sympathies, I couldn't do it even though I have awful insomnia at times.

Gecko said...

KG, we'll keep Oswald away then ......
Medusa, my nights are only 10 hrs, and it's only 3 this week, 4 next week :( I find it's the only shift you can survive with little sleep ...... mostly, haha

Medusa said...

M is on 7 days a week on this trip, nasty when you arent the boss (which he usually is and has a say on shift allocation, but not Happy Feet's trip unfortunately)
he's missing my cooking ,home and hearth ( bugger is spoilt fer christs sakes) How many kiwi men go home for a cooked lunch everyday???? and then a cooked dinner, Huh? no wonder I earn my diamonds LOL

Gecko said...

That's pretty cool about the diamonds Medusa, if KG wants to eat he has to get his own ;)

Oswald Bastable said...

No crows around here. We have Rooks, but I have never seen one.

Gecko said...

There were some up the back of the farm where we use to live, sounded like crows.

MathewK said...

That's not a very pleasant looking bird.

Gecko said...

Haha, it's a crow, we enjoy feeding them and they're quite entertaining to watch.